Static Data Statistics
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Last updated
This section displays the following information:
Pending Approval
This shows the number of client requests pending broker approval. Clicking on the respective request redirects the user to the approval requests page.
Total Clients
This shows the total number of clients and their respective statuses. Data is updated daily, including:
Opened Account Clients: clients who opened a trading account.
CRM Deposited Clients: clients who deposited funds into their account.
Traded Clients: clients who started trading with the broker.
Client Source
This shows the source of all clients. Client sources are linked to the promotional links they register through. Please refer to this section for more details on promotional links: Promotion Links
Clicking on a specific source removes it from the pie chart, and hovering the cursor over a source shows more details.
Trading Accounts
This shows the total number of trading accounts opened in the respective trading servers.
Open Position Volume
This shows the total number of open positions in the respective trading servers. The number on the left represents the total number of lots opened, and the number in the bracket represents the total number of accounts with open positions.
Rank Statistics
This shows clients’ rank statistics. Ranks can be configured in the CRM Back Office Portal (Please refer to here for more details: Ranks).
Clicking on a specific rank in the legend removes it from the pie chart, and hovering over a rank or tier shows more details.
Client Distribution
This shows the client distribution across the globe. Hovering over a country shows more details.