Flexible Commission Scheme

This is an abridged version of the user guide, highlighting essential features. To access the full version with detailed steps, kindly reach out to your dedicated Account Manager.

Flexible commission settings allow for customization of commission schemes to cater to the specific needs and requirements of individual IBs and referrals.

1) Creating Flexible Commission Schemes

You can create a new Flexible Commission Scheme by clicking "Create".

2) Configuring Flexible Commission Scheme

For the flexible commission scheme, you will be able to configure the commission type, applicable trading groups, commission amount and many more.

3) Editing Flexible Commission Scheme

You can edit the settings of the commission scheme to suit your business requirements.

4) Deleting Flexible Commission Scheme

You can delete Flexible Commission Scheme that are no longer required.

5) Pip Settings

You can also customize the pip settings to ensure accurate and fair commission payouts to your IBs when using the "Pip" commission mode. This setting is particularly relevant as the pip values for different trading symbols can vary.

Last updated