Send Email Notifications

This is an abridged version of the user guide, highlighting essential features. To access the full version with detailed steps, kindly reach out to your dedicated Account Manager.

To send out a new email notification, brokers will need to click "Send Email".

Brokers have several methods available to draft email content:

  1. Simple Method:

    • Manual Entry: Brokers can manually input the email content and send it to clients without any specific design elements.

    • HTML Code: Brokers can create email content and design by using HTML code, allowing for greater customization and visual appeal.

    • Email Design Templates: Brokers can use pre-designed email templates to enhance the visual appeal of their emails, incorporating professional layouts and styles effortlessly.

  2. Advanced AI Editor: Brokers can leverage an advanced AI editor to generate email content. This sophisticated tool utilizes artificial intelligence capabilities to assist in creating compelling email messages. It can provide suggestions, optimize language, and enhance overall communication effectiveness.

Last updated