
This is an abridged version of the user guide, highlighting essential features. To access the full version with detailed steps, kindly reach out to your dedicated Account Manager.

In the Rank Settings, you have the ability to create various ranking systems with multiple tiers within each rank. These ranks and tiers are specifically designed for fixed commission schemes. By implementing ranking systems, you can establish different levels of recognition and rewards for your IBs based on their performance and achievements. This encourages their continued growth and success within your referral program.

1) Creating Ranks

You can create a new rank and setup the tiers.

2) Editing Ranks

You can edit the ranks by clicking onto the "Edit" icon. You will not be able to edit the rank if it is currently being used.

3) Deleting Ranks

You can delete ranks that are no longer required. You will not be able to delete the rank if it is currently being used.

Last updated