Payment Method Settings

This is an abridged version of the user guide, highlighting essential features. To access the full version with detailed steps, kindly reach out to your dedicated Account Manager.

In the payment method settings, brokers can manage the available deposit methods for their clients. This includes the ability to create new payment methods, edit existing ones, disable specific methods, or delete payment methods that are no longer required. This flexibility allows brokers to customize the available payment options to align with their business requirements and provide a seamless deposit experience for their clients.

1) Create New Payment Methods

  1. You will be able to setup and create different payment methods for your clients.

  2. You can also customize the fields required for clients to fill in when submitting a deposit request.

2) Editing Payment Methods

You can also edit payment methods and amend the settings.

3) Enabling & Disabling Payment Methods

You can also enable or disable payment methods.

4) Deleting Payment Methods

You can delete payment methods that are no longer accepted.

5) Exchange Rates

In the Exchange Rates settings, you have the option to set the exchange rates for the currencies accepted. You also have the flexibility to set different exchange rates for the currencies accepted based on different Client Groups.

By assigning specific exchange rates for each Client Group, you can customize the currency conversion rates according to their specific needs or business requirements. This feature allows you to cater to different client segments or regions that may have varying exchange rate preferences or pricing structures.

Last updated