V5.15.0 - Optimizations to PWA & Automatic Deposit Function

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Released Date - 20 Jan 2023

In this release, we have optimized the Progressive Web Application (PWA) for your CRM Client Portal to be now available on mobile. Your clients will be able to install the CRM client portal as a mobile application, providing them with an enhanced user experience. Furthermore, enhancements have been made to the automatic deposit function, allowing you to manage your clients’ deposit operations more efficiently.

PWA for Mobile

  1. The PWA for Mobile is only available for your CRM Client Portal and is currently unavailable for your CRM Backoffice Portal.

  2. The installation of PWA will differ depending on the mobile device you are using.

1) Apple iOS Device

For Safari browser, the PWA installation window will not popup automatically. You will need to:

  1. Click the “Share” button and select “Add to Home Screen”.

  1. You can now access the Client Portal on your mobile devices by clicking the PWA.

2) Android Device

  1. Installation of PWA will differ depending on the mobile phone brand that you are using.

  2. The following has been tested on Chrome & Edge browsers:

    • OPPO, Xiaomi and Huawei Harmony OS: The installation window will pop up and you can install the PWA. Upon installation, the Client Portal will show as an application.

  3. Kindly note that Android Brands in China may not be able to install Chrome. However, you may install Chrome browser using APK.

For system built-in browsers, the installation of PWA will differ:

  1. Xiaomi: The automatic popup is relatively unstable. You may need to retry a few times before the popup appears for you to install the PWA.

  2. OPPO, Huawei HarmonyOS: There is no automatic popup and there is no function for you to add the PWA to your mobile phone homescreen.

Optimizations to Automatic Deposit Function

1) Automatic Retry Function for Failed Deposits

Automatic Retry Function for Failed Deposits

This is a newly added function for online deposits approval.

Enabling this option will result in the following process:

  1. At an interval of 30 minutes, the CRM system will search the trading system database for failed deposit records in the last 90 minutes and automatically retry them.

  2. Upon successful retry, the system will deposit the missing funds into the clients’ accounts.

  3. However, there is risk involved in enabling this function. During abnormal situations, the trading system may fail to return the correct result, causing duplicated deposits. To rectify this, you will need to disable this function and reverse the duplicated deposits as soon as possible to avoid financial losses.

  4. If you intend to use this function, it is highly recommended for you to have proactive monitoring and account reconciliation processes in place. This will ensure you detect duplicated deposits and rectify them efficiently.

Enabling the Automatic Retry Function

Under the Approval Settings page, there is now an added checkbox called “Automatic retry on audit failure” for Deposits (Online Payment). This is unchecked by default. This function is available for all approval settings:

  1. Manually

  2. Automatically

2) Notification for Failed Deposits

  1. A new notification has been added to the CRM.

  2. You will now be notified for any deposit failures and proceed to rectify them immediately.

  3. You can view, amend and customize this notification under the Notification Setting page:

Last updated