V5.12.0 - Addition of System Tags & Optimization of Filtering Options

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Released Date - 29 Nov 2022

In this release, we have added automatically generated system tags to the CRM, providing you a comprehensive overview of your clients at a quick glance. Furthermore, the filtering option has been optimized, allowing you to search and filter for clients more efficiently.

System Tags

1) Client Details Page

  1. The CRM now automatically generates system tags for your clients.

  2. The available system tags are:

    • Deposited - This tag will show as long as your client has a deposit record to their trading account or CRM wallet.

    • Account Opened - This tag will show as long as your client has a trading account bound to their CRM account.

    • Traded - This tag will show as long as your client has trading records or any open positions.

  3. The system tags will be shown in the front of all tags. They cannot be moved or deleted.

2) Client List

  1. Upon adding “System Tags” as a visible column. You will see the various System Tags in the Client List.

  2. You can now filter based on System Tags as well.

    • Select “Yes” or “No”, depending on your search criteria.

Filtering Options

1) Trading Account

  1. The Trading Account filter now has a newly added option called “is not empty”.

2) Lead Source

The Lead Source filter now has the following options:

  1. Is …. - you can search for specific lead sources

  2. Is empty - you can search for clients that has no lead source

  3. Is not empty - you can search for clients that has a lead source

Last updated