Bank Card

  1. This section displays all of your bank cards.

  2. You can add up to 10 bank cards for each withdrawal method.

  3. Each bank card stores the bank account / payment details, which can be selected during withdrawal, resulting in the payment details being input automatically.

  4. This process will enhance the efficiency when submitting withdrawal requests and reduce the risk of any incorrect input.

1. Adding a Bank Card

To add a bank card, follow these steps:

Click "Add Bank Card".

2. Editing a Bank Card

For each bank card, you will be able to perform the following actions:

View Details
  1. The bank details will be displayed.

Edit / Duplicate Bank Card

You can edit your bank card details if your prop broker disables bank card approval function. To edit bank card details, follow these steps:

  1. Make the necessary amendments and click “Confirm”.

  2. The changes will be reflected immediately.

If the bank card approval function is enabled, you cannot directly edit the bank card details. Instead, you can duplicate the details, make amendments, and submit a new bank card creation request.

To duplicate and edit a bank card:

  1. Amend the details and click “Submit”.

  2. The request will be sent to the prop broker for review. You will need to wait for the request to be approved before you can use this bank card.

Delete Bank Card

You can also delete your bank cards.

  1. Click onto the “Delete” icon.

  2. A confirmation notice will appear, and you will need to click “Confirm” to proceed.

  3. The bank card will be deleted.

Bank Card Request History
  1. You can also view your bank card request history by clicking “Request History”.

  2. The details of the bank card request, and their respective statuses will be displayed. You can also cancel their pending requests by clicking “Cancel”.

Last updated