My Clients

In the "My Clients" tab, you can view a comprehensive summary of all your downlines, including their details and statuses. "My Clients" specifically refers to the downlines of the Introducing Broker (IB).

Within this tab, you can navigate between two submenus:

  1. List: Offers a detailed list of your downlines, including their particulars, trading accounts, and wallet balances.

  2. Overview: Provides a summarized view of your downlines.

1. List of Clients

You will be able to see the following details:

Referral Details
  1. This table provides a summary of your downlines' particulars and statuses.

  2. To access more details about a specific downline, click on the "View" icon.

  3. A popup menu will appear, displaying the downline's data.

  4. Additionally, there is a quick link for viewing downline reports. Note that this link will not be visible if there is no report data available for the particular downline. For more details, please refer to this section: Clients' Report

Trading Account
  1. This table provides an overview of the trading accounts for your downlines.

  2. Similarly, you can click on the “View” icon to access more details about the trading account.

    A popup menu will appear, displaying the downline's trading account data.

  1. This section displays a summary of your downlines' wallets along with their respective balances.

2. Overview of Clients

In this submenu, you will be able to view a summary of your downlines:

  1. Downlines - refers to the number of downlines that you currently have. This is updated once a day when you first login to your Client Portal account.

    • Direct - refers to the number of downlines referred directly by you.

    • Indirect - refers to the number of downlines referred by your downlines.

  2. Deposit - refers to the total amount of deposits done by your direct downlines today.

  3. Withdrawal - refers to the total amount of withdrawals done by your direct downlines today.

  4. Transaction Volume - refers to the total volume traded by your direct downlines today. The volume displayed will be in lots.

  5. Client Distribution - displays the country distribution of your downlines.

3. Referral Tree

  1. To view the referral tree, simply click on "Referral Tree".

  2. Expand the referral tree and explore the clients of your downlines by clicking on the “Arrow” icon. The Referral Tree will display the trading accounts of the downlines, the client type, and the tiers of the downlines.

  1. Access your promotion links by clicking on "Promotion Links."

  2. The list of promotion links will be displayed.

  3. Promotion links are primarily utilized during promotional events or campaigns, either initiated by you or the prop broker, to encourage more clients to open an account.

Last updated