
You can receive notifications from prop brokers, delivered through pop-up messages. Prop brokers can use these notifications to inform you about various matters such as maintenance, updates, or promotional campaigns.

1) Pop-Up Notifications Process

  1. Prop Brokers can send notifications to you.

  2. You will receive pop-up messages notifying them of the prop broker's communication.

  3. You have the option to either close the pop-up notice or click “Learn More”.

  4. If you choose to learn more, you will be redirected to the notifications page, where you can read the full message.

2. Notification History

  1. You can review the history of notifications by clicking the “Notifications” icon.

  2. The list of prop broker’s notifications will be displayed, with unread notifications highlighted in red.

3. Notification Tab Functions

You can perform multiple actions in the Notification Tab:

View Message
  1. Read the full pop-up message by clicking onto it.


You will be able to filter the notifications via the following options:

  1. All - displays all notifications

  2. Read - displays only read notifications

  3. Unread - displays only unread notifications

Mark All as Read
  1. You can mark all notifications as read.

Clear All
  1. You can clear all notifications. This means that you are deleting all of the notifications.

  2. You will not be able to retrieve cleared notifications.

View History
  1. By default, the notifications shown will be dated within the last 3 months.

  2. Any notifications dated earlier will not be shown in the notification list.

  3. If you wish to retrieve historical notifications, you can click onto the Historical Data.

  4. Past notifications will be shown.

Last updated