3. Challenge Statistics

In the Challenge Statistics tab, you can access a list of prop challenges along with their corresponding details, including:

  1. This section displays the list of participants for the prop trading challenge.

  2. To access the participants' list, find the specific prop challenge you wish to view, and click on the 'Participants' icon.

  3. You will be able to see the names of participating clients, the selected package, their current progress within the challenge, and their trading account number.

    • Equity - Updated at every 10-minute interval.

    • Max Daily Loss Progress Bar - Updated at every 10-minute interval.

    • Max Loss Progress Bar - Updated at every 10-minute interval.

    • Profit Target Progress Bar - Updated on a daily basis.

  4. You can download the participants' report by clicking on the 'Download' icon.

Trade History
  1. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the trading history for all participants in the prop trading challenge.

  2. To access the trading history, find the specific prop challenge trade history you wish to view and click on the 'Trade History' icon.

  3. Here, you will find a list of all trades executed.

  4. You have the option to switch between live and demo trading servers.

  5. To refine your search, you can utilize the search bar and time range filter. Otherwise, for more advanced filtering options, click on the 'Filter' icon.

  6. To update the data, click on the 'Refresh' button.

  7. Customize the displayed fields by clicking on the '...' icon and selecting 'Field Display Settings'.

  8. To download the trade history, click on '...' followed by 'Download'.

Fee Commission Report
  1. This section lists all commission rebates paid to participants of the prop challenge.

  2. The participation fee rebate is deposited in real-time into the clients' wallets.

  3. To access the Fee Commission Report, locate the prop challenge you wish to view and click on the "Fee Commission Report" icon.

  4. You can view specific details of the commission rebate, including the rebate amount, recipient of the rebate, and the rebate's status.

  5. If rebates fail, you have the option to retry them by selecting the relevant ones and clicking 'Payout / Retry'.

  6. Additionally, you can download the Fee Commission Report by clicking the download button.

Profit Sharing Report
  1. This section lists all profit sharing payouts to participants of the prop challenge.

  2. To access the Profit Sharing Report, locate the prop challenge you wish to view and click on the "Profit Sharing Report" icon.

  3. You can view specific details of the profit sharing payout, including the trading profit, profit sharing amount, payout status and more.

  4. For manual profit-sharing payouts, you have the option to select the transaction and click "Pay" to distribute the profit-sharing amount to the recipients. Similarly, if there are any failed payouts, you can retry payout by selecting the failed transaction and clicking "Pay" again.

  5. You can also download the Profit Sharing Report by clicking the download button.

Last updated