Learn about all the details of all our recent CRM updates here.
Released Date - 23 Mar 2023
Our latest release includes a seamless integration of AirCall with our CRM. AirCall is a cloud-based phone system and call center that makes phone support a breeze. Now, you can effortlessly call your clients directly from the CRM and provide real-time support to address any issues they may have, thereby strengthening your customer relationships. Additionally, we've made optimizations to the Clients & Leads Details Page, presenting you with a comprehensive overview of all your clients' and leads' activities in one convenient location. This update is designed to enhance your experience and streamline your workflow, enabling you to provide exceptional customer service.
AirCall Integration
1) Marketplace Installation & Permissions
Go to Marketplace and click “Obtain”.
You will be redirected to a page providing you with a brief background on AirCall. Click “Obtain” to proceed with installation.
Upon installation, you will need to enable the respective permissions for AirCall:
Allow Calls - enabling this permission will allow users to call clients and leads directly from the CRM.
AirCall Settings - enabling this permission will allow users to configure the settings for AirCall.
You will be able to see “Call Settings > AirCall” tab in the Settings Page.
2) AirCall Account Registration
You will receive an email address with a link to verify your account.
Once you have confirmed your password, you will be logged into your AirCall account.
Navigate to the "Numbers" tab and click “Create a number”.
Choose a location and number type and click “Next Step”.
Name your number and click “Create Number”.
Your newly created number will be reflected here.
3) Setting Up AirCall on CRM
Navigate to Settings > Call Settings > Air Call on CRM.
Click “Create”.
Fill in the respective fields:
Fields required:
API Token
To retrieve the API ID & API Token, login to your AirCall account.
Navigate to “Integrations & API” and click “Generate an API key”.
A popup will appear showing the API ID and API Token. Copy and paste them onto the CRM before clicking “Confirm”.
Upon clicking “Confirm”, you will no longer be able to retrieve your API Token.
Fill in the API ID & API Token on CRM and click “Confirm”.
The API ID will be reflected here. The CRM can only be connected to one API ID at a single time.
Setup AirCall Users:
Login to AirCall
Navigate to “Users” tab and click “Create User”.
Fill in the contact details and select the respective permissions.
You can assign different users to different numbers created.
Navigate to “Teams & Users” and add the respective user.
On CRM, configure AirCall settings.
Click onto the “Settings” icon.
You can assign CRM users to the various AirCall users that you have setup.
The AirCall users created will be reflected on the CRM.
You will need to assign CRM users to your AirCall users. It is recommended for each AirCall user to be assigned to one CRM user only for better tracking and record of calls.
Select the modules in which you wish to enable the call function for:
Clients Module
Leads Module
Tickets Module
Copy the Callback Address here.
Paste the callback URL onto AirCall.
Login to AirCall
Navigate to “Integrations & API” > “Discover Integrations”, and click “Webhook”.
Click “Install Integration”.
Fill in the callback URL on CRM under “Integration URL”.
Ensure the following functions are enabled for the integration to work well.
Click “Confirm” on CRM to save your settings.
4) Calling Your Clients & Leads
Once AirCall setup has been completed, you will be able to call your clients directly from the CRM.
On the Clients & Leads page, there will be a “call” icon beside “Phone Number”. You will only see the call icon if “Phone Number” is a visible column in your report.
Similarly, on the Tickets module, you will be able to call your clients directly from the CRM portal by clicking onto the “Call” icon.
Click “Call” to call the client / lead.
5) Call Records
All calls are recorded on the CRM.
Once a call has ended, the call details will be reflected accordingly:
Clients Page & Leads Page
Outgoing and Incoming calls will be recorded.
Tickets Page
Optimization of Clients & Leads Details Page
1) Permissions
Additional permissions have been added for Clients & Leads Page.
Clients Page
Read Admin Activities - this allows users to view all admin activities for clients
Read Client Activities - this allows users to view client activities for clients
Leads Page
Read Admin Activities - this allows users to view all admin activities for leads.
2) Admin Activities
Admin Activities have been added to both Client & Lead Details page.
You can now view all admin activities done in relation to a particular client or lead.
Admin Activities include the following:
The Activities tab displays all activities including notes, emails, calls and tasks.
By default, all to do tasks will be shown on the top. All other activities and tasks that have been completed will be shown below in reverse chronological order (i.e. newest activities on top).
By default, all activities are collapsed. You can expand them individually to view the details. Otherwise, you can click “Expand All” here.
You can search for a specific activity by using the search bar.
You can filter the activities based on the different categories by clicking onto the drop down link. By default, all activities will be selected.
Previously, this is in the form of “Follow Up Records”. In this new release, “Follow Up Records” are now called “Notes”.
There is no change in the functionalities, except that the word limit has been increased from 1,000 characters to 5,000 characters.
Notes will be displayed in reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest notes created will be shown on the top) and are categorized by the month. Details shown include:
Creator of Note
Date & Time of Creation
Note Content
File Attachments (if any)
You can search for notes using the search function.
A) Creating Notes
You can create notes via the following ways:
Click “Create” in the Notes tab; or
Click the “Create” icon.
You can now tag your notes by clicking onto the following icons:
The above tagging system will allow you to better keep track of which communication channel your client reached out to you via and allow you to respond efficiently.
B) Editing Notes
Only the creator of the note will be able to edit.
To edit, click onto the “Edit” icon.
Amend the note accordingly and click “Save”.
C) Deleting Notes
Only the creator of the note can delete it.
To delete the note, click onto “Delete”.
A record of all emails sent to the client will be displayed here.
Emails will be arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest email will be shown at the top) and categorized according to the month.
The following details will be shown:
Email Subject
Email Sender
Email Status
The email content will not be shown in this tab. To view the email content, you will need to go to the “Notify” tab.
You can search for an email using the search function here.
In order to send emails, you will need to enable the “Email” permission here. Otherwise, you will only be able to view email records only.
A) Sending Emails
You can send emails to the client via the following ways:
Click “Send Email” under the Email tab; or
Click the “Send Email” icon.
The email function works the same as the “Notify” function.
By default, the recipient will be filled in accordingly. You can amend the email template, fill in the content and send it to the client / lead.
Upon sending the email, a record will be displayed in the client / lead details page. The email record will also be displayed in the “Notify” tab.
A record of all outgoing and incoming calls will be displayed here.
Calls are arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest call record will be shown at the top) and categorized according to the month.
The following details will be shown:
AirCall number
Client number
Call Date and Time
By default, the call records are collapsed. You can expand the call record individually by clicking the “Expand” icon to view the full details or click the “Expand All” function.
A record of all tasks will be displayed here.
Tasks are categorized by “To-Do” and “Completed”.
By default, all to-do tasks will be shown on the top.
Completed tasks will be shown below, arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest task completed will be at the top) and categorized by month.
The following details are shown:
Task Title
User Assigned to Task
By default, the tasks are collapsed. You can expand the task records individually by clicking the “Expand” icon to view the full details or click the “Expand All”.
You can search for a particular task record via the search function.
To create a task, you can click onto “Add Task” or click onto the “Task” icon.
Only the creator of the task can edit or delete them.
You can only create tasks for the client / lead if you have the “Add Tasks” function enabled.
3) Client Activities
Client Activities have been added to the Clients Details Page.
You can now view all activities of your clients here.
Client Activities include the following:
This tab shows all the requests that have been submitted by your clients.
The requests are categorized according to the request types and arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest requests will be shown on the top).
You can expand the request type to view all the requests submitted and their respective details:
Request ID
Approval Process
To view the full details of the request, you can click onto the “Expand” button and you will be redirected to the approval page.
You will need the following “Approve/Reject” permissions in order to view the details of the request.
Otherwise, a pop up notice will appear to inform you that you do not have permissions.
By default, each request type will only show up to 5 requests. If there are more than 5, click “Load More” to view.
This tab shows all the tickets that have been raised by your clients.
This tab will not be shown if you have not installed the “Ticket” function via CRM Marketplace.
The tickets are categorized according to:
By default, all unresolved tickets will be shown on the top. Resolved tickets will be arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest resolved tickets will be on the top) and categorized by month.
Each ticket will display the following information:
Ticket Title
Date & Time of Ticket Submission
To view the full details of the ticket, you can click onto the “More Details” icon. You will be redirected to the ticket details page.
You will need to enable the “Read Tickets” permissions in order to view the details of the request.
Otherwise, a pop up notice will appear to inform you that you do not have permissions.
This tab shows an overview of the client's funds and transactions.
The data here is updated real time.
This tab will only be shown if you have the “Read Transactions” permissions.
You can view the following information:
Commision Payout
Credit In
Credit Out
Bonus Payout - this will only be displayed if you have installed the Bonus function via CRM Marketplace
Transaction Details
You can select the time frame in which you wish to extract the data for.
This tab displays all trade transactions done by the client.
The data here is updated real time.
This tab will not be shown if you do not have permissions to any of the following:
Read Trade History
Read Open Positions
Read Pending Orders
The following reports are available here:
Trading History
Open Positions
Pending Orders
You can filter the data via the following:
Trading Platform Server
Register an account via this link: https://aircall.io/signup/. Fill in your email address and click “Try for free”.
Fill in the details and click “Start your free trial”.
Upon clicking onto the link, you will need to set your password.
Navigate to “Numbers” and click onto the number you wish to configure users for.
When you click onto the “Call” icon, you will need to login to your AirCall account.
Select the language preferred and click “Next”.
A number pad will appear and the client / lead’s phone number will be entered automatically by default.
Only outgoing calls are recorded.
By default, both icons will not be selected.
A pop up notice will appear, and you will need to click “Confirm” to proceed to delete the note.
To call your client, you can click onto the “Call” icon.