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Released Date - 23 May 2024
We are thrilled to announce the integration of Fireblocks Vault with our CRM, a digital asset provider trusted by some of the world's leading banks and institutions. Fireblocks empowers brokers to seamlessly manage cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals with enhanced protection. By leveraging Fireblocks' enterprise-grade infrastructure, you can ensure both the safety and efficiency of your clients' crypto transactions. Keep reading to learn more!
New Crypto Payment Method: Discover new opportunities and enhance your client experience with our ready-to-use crypto payment gateway. Simplify cryptocurrency transactions and expand payment options for your clients, allowing you to accept payments globally and instantly with ease.
Secure Vault Structure: Safeguard client assets through Fireblocks' vault structure, which segregates funds into dedicated vault accounts, strengthening security and audit protocols for all transactions. Enjoy the convenience of cryptocurrency without sacrificing safety or reliability.
Security Checklist: Enhance the security of your funds by adhering to the recommended security checklist, which includes mandatory two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-level approval processes, providing extra layers of protection.
To begin offering Fireblocks, follow these steps to install it via the CRM marketplace:
Navigate to the CRM marketplace.
Search for "Fireblocks" and click on "Install."
You will be redirected to the details page where you can learn about the functionalities. Click "Install" to proceed with the installation.
Once Fireblocks is installed on your CRM, ensure to enable the following permissions:
Read Fireblocks Settings: Allows viewing of settings for Fireblocks.
Create Fireblocks Settings: Enables creation and configuration of settings for Fireblocks.
Update Fireblocks Settings: Facilitates updating and amending the configuration for Fireblocks.
Delete Fireblocks Settings: Grants the ability to delete Fireblocks settings as needed.
Next, to register for a Fireblocks account, follow these steps:
Navigate to Fireblocks official website.
Click "Request Demo".
The Fireblocks team will reach out to you to setup your account.
Once you have created your Fireblocks account, follow these steps to retrieve the API credentials:
Login to your Fireblocks account.
Click "Settings".
Navigate to "Users" tab and click "Add user".
Click "API user".
Fill in the Name.
Select "Editor" for the Role.
Click "Automatic CSR".
Download the private key.
Once you have downloaded the private key. Click "Add user".
Once you have added a user, you can retrieve the API key by clicking onto the key icon.
Store the API key securely for future reference.
Retrieve the Webhook public key via this link and store the API key for future reference as well.
To create a vault account, follow these steps:
Login to your Fireblocks account.
Navigate to "Accounts".
Click "Create vault account".
Fill in Account Name.
Click "Create".
After creating the vault account, you'll be redirected to setup wallets for the account.
Click "Create wallet" to setup wallets for the various asset classes.
Select the asset.
Click "Create wallet".
Each vault account can hold 1 wallet per asset.
To connect your Fireblocks account to the CRM, follow these steps:
Navigate to PSP Settings > Fireblocks Settings.
Click "Create".
Fill in the respective fields.
To enable Fireblocks as a withdrawal method, you will need to select the appropriate Withdraw Vault Account.
Click "Save".
You will need to input the CRM callback address into your Fireblocks account. To do so, follow these steps:
Once you have created the Fireblocks settings, you can retrieve the callback address by clicking the "View" icon.
You will be able to see the callback address here.
Login to your Fireblocks account.
Click "Settings" and navigate to "General" tab.
Click "Manage webhooks" and input the callback address.
Click "Save".
To enhance the security of your funds, we've introduced security measures for utilizing Fireblocks as a deposit and withdrawal channel. While these measures are optional, we highly recommend their implementation, which includes:
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Verification: Clients are required to input a 2FA code before proceeding with any transactions.
Multi-Level Approval for Withdrawals: Each withdrawal request undergoes two levels of mandatory approval. This additional verification layer ensures that only authorized and legitimate requests are processed, mitigating the risk of unauthorized withdrawals.
You'll have visibility into the necessary actions to enhance the security of your funding processes.
To enable 2FA Verification, follow these steps:
Click on "GO NOW".
You will be redirected to Security Settings.
Click the "Edit" icon.
Turn on Mandatory 2FA.
Click the "Save" icon.
The security checklist for 2FA will be marked as completed.
To setup Multi-Level Approval, follow these steps:
Click on "GO NOW".
You will be redirected to the CRM Marketplace.
Locate "Multi-level Approval" and click "Install".
You'll be redirected to the details page.
Click "Install" to proceed with the installation.
The security checklist for installation of Multi-level Approval will be marked as completed.
To proceed with the configuration of Multi-Level Approval for withdrawals, click "GO NOW".
You will be redirected to Approval Settings > Process Settings.
Locate "Withdrawal" and click the "Edit" icon.
It is recommended to have at least 2 levels of approvers:
First Level: Deduct Level of Approval. Upon approval, the withdrawal amount will be deducted from the trading account or wallet.
Second Level: Payout Level of Approval. Upon approval, the withdrawal request will be sent to Fireblocks and the funds will be paid out to your client.
You will need to add a second level by clicking the "+" icon.
Upon adding the second level of approver, the first level will automatically be assigned both the "Deduct" and "Payout" approval.
Set "Payout Level" to be on the second level of approval by clicking the "Payout" icon.
Assign the respective parties for each level of approval.
Click "Publish".
The security checklist for setting up multi-step approval will be marked as completed.
You will be able to perform the following actions on your Fireblocks Settings:
To setup Fireblocks as a payment method for your clients, follow these steps:
Navigate to Transaction Settings > Deposit Settings within your CRM.
Click on the "Create" button to create a new payment method.
Select the Fireblocks setting you have configured under "Fireblocks Settings" as the platform for the deposit method.
Fill in the respective fields.
Select the client groups for which this deposit method will be allowed.
Provide a name for the deposit method.
Select the supported currencies that your clients can use for deposits.
Fill in the details for each currency, including:
Minimum Deposit: Set the minimum deposit amount for the currency.
Maximum Deposit: Set the maximum deposit amount for the currency.
Fee: Enter the fee amount associated with the deposit.
Maximum Fee: Specify the maximum fee applicable for the deposit.
Configure the required deposit fields as per your preferences.
Click on the Save button to save the deposit method configuration.
To deposit funds via Fireblocks, your clients can follow these steps:
Navigate to the "Funds" section in their account and click on "Deposit".
Select "Fireblocks" as the deposit method.
Select the "Payment Currency".
Fill in the account to deposit funds into and the payment amount.
Click "Next".
If your client does not have an existing vault account, the CRM will automatically create one on Fireblocks, using the client's CRM ID as the account name.
A dedicated wallet address will be displayed. Your client can proceed to transfer the funds to this wallet.
Once the transfer is complete, click "Payment Completed".
Deposit via Fireblocks will need to be done within a 2 hours timeframe. Otherwise, the deposit request will be cancelled automatically.
Once payment is completed, a deposit request will be sent to you, and it will be either manually or automatically approved based on the approval settings configured by you.
In the Approvals page of your CRM, you can easily monitor all deposits made via Fireblocks. The payment status will be reflected as follows:
Success: This indicates that the callback for the deposit was successful, confirming a completed transaction.
Failed: This status signifies that the callback for the deposit failed, indicating an unsuccessful transaction.
Pending: If the callback for the deposit has not been received yet, the status will be shown as Pending, indicating that the transaction is still being processed.
To setup Fireblocks as a withdrawal method for your clients, follow these steps:
Navigate to Transaction Settings > Withdrawal Settings.
Under Withdrawal Method Settings, click "Create".
Fill in the respective fields:
Select "Fireblocks" as the Platform.
Fill in the name of the withdrawal method.
Select the Client Groups the withdrawal method will be made available to.
Select the currencies.
Fill in the minimum withdrawal, maximum withdrawal, fee and maximum fee amount for reach currency.
Configure the withdrawal fields. Wallet address is a default mandatory field that cannot be edited or deleted.
Click "Save".
To withdraw funds via Fireblocks, your clients can follow these steps:
Navigate to Funds.
Click "Withdraw".
Fill in the respective fields on the withdrawal form.
Fireblocks will whitelist your client's wallet address.
Each client canonly have one wallet address per asset.
For first-time withdrawals via Fireblocks, clients will need to provide their wallet address, which will then be automatically whitelisted and assigned in Fireblocks.
For subsequent withdrawals, the whitelisted wallet address for the asset will be automatically filled in.
Click "Submit".
Your client will be redirected to the transaction history page where they can view the status of their request.
The withdrawal request will be sent to you for review.
If you have not set up multi-level approval, upon your approval, the funds will be deducted from the client's trading account or wallet, and the funds from your withdrawal vault account will be sent to the client's wallet address.
If you have set up multi-level approval according to the security checklist, upon first-level approval, the funds will be deducted from the client's trading account or wallet. The funding status will reflect "Withdrawn".
Upon second-level approval, the funds from your withdrawal vault account will be sent to the client's wallet address.