Learn about all the details of all our recent CRM updates here.
In this release, we are excited to present to you ChillPay as a newly integrated Payment Service Provider (PSP) on your CRM. You can now receive funds with ChillPay, which supports internet banking, mobile banking, debit and credit card payment, any many more. Open up a new deposit stream for your clients by registering and setting up ChillPay on your CRM now!
The notifications module has also been enhanced, allowing you to customize visibility permissions on all notifications and to reverse pop-up notifications sent to your clients. Bank card is also newly added into the KYC configuration module allowing you to customize your KYC process to suit your business needs.
Read on to find out the many more optimizations done on CRM to allow for more streamlined operations and dynamic filtering of data & reports.
To start offering ChillPay as a new deposit method to your clients, you will first need to install it from the CRM marketplace.
This function is free for all to use, with no expiry.
Upon completion of installation, you will see “ChillPay Settings” under the “Deposit Settings” module.
Upon installing ChillPay from the CRM Marketplace, you will need to enable the following permissions:
Read ChillPay Settings
Add ChillPay Settings
Update ChillPay Settings
Delete ChillPay Settings
Upon setting up ChillPay as a deposit method, your client will be able to deposit via ChillPay.
Client will need to fill in the details and click “Confirm”.
Once client clicks “Confirm”, a deposit request will be submitted to you.
Client will be redirected to ChillPay to complete the deposit request.
Upon completion of the deposit request on ChillPay, the Client will be redirected to their request history.
Request Status: refers to the status of the deposit request submitted:
Pending - pending for you to process the deposit request
Approved - deposit request has been approved by you
Rejected - deposit request has been rejected by you
Payment Status: refers to the callback status of the ChillPay payment
Pending - pending callback to be received by ChillPay
Success - callback is successful
Failed - callback has failed
Cancelled - client has cancelled the deposit request via ChillPay
You will receive the deposit request from the client and choose to approve / reject them accordingly.
You can now reverse pop-up notifications sent to clients, allowing you to recall and amend any incorrect information.
Click onto the reverse button to reverse your notification:
Upon successful reversal, the status will change to “revoke”.
Reversal Policies:
Pop-up notifications can only be reversed within 2 hours after it is sent out.
Reversed notifications can be previewed, copied or deleted.
Different scenarios during reversal of pop-up notifications:
Logged In
Viewed Pop-up Notification
No Pop-Up Notification shown upon logging in.
No records shown on notification page.
Pop-Up Notification will disappear upon refreshing the page.
Clicking “Learn More” will display an error message informing client that the message has been reversed.
No records shown on notification page.
Upon closing the Pop-Up notification and refreshing the page, the notification record will no longer be displayed.
Upon closing the Pop-Up notification and clicking it again, an error message will display informing client that the message has been reversed.
Bank Card is now added into the KYC Configuration Module and will be unchecked by default.
Upon checking it, all clients will need to complete their KYC before adding new bank cards.
If client adds a bank card before submitting KYC details, a message will pop up to inform client to submit a KYC request. Upon clicking the “KYC Verification” button, the client will be redirected to the KYC page to complete their KYC application.
If client adds a bank card after submitting KYC details but before you approve the KYC request, a message will pop up to inform client that their KYC request is still under review. Upon clicking the “KYC Verification” button, the client will be redirected to the KYC verification page.
If client submits a withdrawal request without completing KYC verification, they will not be able to see “Add as Bank Card” when filling in the withdrawal form.
Bank Card column has been moved to be after KYC column to allow for more efficient verification of client’s profile.
Adding a bank card on CRM backoffice for your client will not need any approvals. Upon creation, the status of the bank card will show “Approved”.
A new function is released on CRM allowing you to customize which data you allow to be synchronized onto MT4/5.
The available options are:
Email Address
KYC - refers to the residential address of your client
Agent Account
Phone Number
Upon creation of trading account or binding of existing trading account, the information will synchronize with MT4/5.
The above will only apply to all newly created or newly bind trading accounts.
You can now set the minimum and maximum transfer amount for different currencies. By default, the minimum and maximum amount will be 0.
The maximum digits allowed is 12 and the maximum decimal points allowed is 2.
If you disable the “Transfer to Others” function, you will only be able to set the minimum and maximum amount for “Transfer to Ownself”.
For each transfer request, CRM will do the following checks:
Ensure there is sufficient balance in the source account
Ensure the minimum amount and maximum amount criteria is met
If the minimum or maximum amount criteria is not met, CRM will display a message to the client.
In this new release, you can now select the relevant IBs you wish to involve in your promotional link more efficiently.
You can now filter referrals based on the following settings:
is …. - for clients introduced by specific referrals that you are looking for
is empty - for clients with no referrals
You can now filter clients based on Participants.
You can filter participants by the following methods:
Specific names of the participant
You can now filter via Order ID in the following reports:
MT Report - Trade History
MT Report - Open Positions
MT Report - Pending Orders
CRM Reports - Transactions
If there is an error, there will be a pop-up notice to inform you to that there is an error with your account details. You will need to verify the account details and retry.
Click onto the Icon to easily filter and select the respective IBs and sub-IBs. This is only applicable to IB promotional links.
is not empty - for all clients introduced by referrals