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Released Date - 21 Sep 2022
In this release, we are excited to present to you PayPal as a newly integrated Payment Service Provider (PSP) on your CRM. You can now receive funds with PayPal, debit cards and credit cards, giving your clients a more comprehensive and efficient fund deposit experience. Open up a new deposit stream for your clients by registering and setting up PayPal now!
PayPal Integration
1) Marketplace Installation
To start offering PayPal as a new deposit method to your clients, you will first need to install it from the CRM marketplace.
This function is free for all to use, with no expiry.
Upon completion of installation, you will see “PayPal Settings” under the “Deposit Settings” module.
2) Permissions
Upon installing PayPal from the CRM Marketplace, you will need to enable the following permissions:
Read PayPal Settings
Add PayPal Settings
Update PayPal Settings
Delete PayPal Settings
3) Setting up PayPal as a Deposit Method
Registering for PayPal Account
Obtain your Client ID & Secret of your PayPal account
Upon creation of your App, you will be able to see your Client ID and Secret.
Setting up PayPal as a deposit method on CRM
On CRM, go to Deposit Settings > PayPal Settings
Create a new PayPal Setting by clicking “Create”
Fill in the relevant fields:
Required Field
Cannot be repeated
Client ID
Retrieved from PayPal
Can be repeated
Retrieved from PayPal
Cannot be repeated
You can create a second secret key on PayPal for the same App Name. However, do take note that there is an expiry to the second secret key. Upon expiry, there will be an invalid secret error reported.
Select the currencies you wish to offer to your clients.
The currencies supported by PayPal are listed on the CRM.
The currencies supported will depend on where your PayPal account is registered. For example, only PayPal accounts registered in China will support CNY as a deposit currency.
Click “Save”.
If successful, there will be a pop-up notice to inform you that PayPal Settings have been created successfully.
If there is an error, there will be a pop-up notice to inform you to that there is an error with your account details. You will need to verify the account details and retry.
Go to Deposit Settings and create a new Payment Method. You can setup multiple payment methods using the same PayPal account.
Fill in the relevant fields and save.
By default, all currencies can have a maximum of 2 decimal points.
Exceptions: HUF, JPY & TWD decimal points will be fixed at 0.
Viewing PayPal Settings
You can click the “View” button to view the details for each PayPal Settings.
Editing PayPal Settings
You can edit your PayPal Settings by clicking the “Edit” button.
You will not be able to edit the Client ID. The rest of the fields can be amended.
The changes will be effective once you click “Save”.
Deleting PayPal Settings
You can delete your PayPal Settings by clicking the Delete button.
If there is an existing deposit method using the PayPal settings, you will not be able to delete it. You will need to delete the deposit method before deleting the PayPal setting.
4) Client Deposit via PayPal
Upon setting up PayPal as a deposit method, your client will be able to deposit via PayPal.
Client will need to fill in the details and click “Confirm”.
Once client clicks “Confirm”, a deposit request will be submitted to you.
Client will need to either select “PayPal” or “Debit or Credit Card”.
Upon selecting “PayPal”, there will be a popup notification for client to login to their PayPal account to complete the process.
Upon selecting “Debit or Credit Card”, Client will need to fill in the card details and click “Pay Now”. Client will be redirected to PayPal to complete the process.
Upon successful payment, the Client will be redirected to their request history.
Request Status: refers to the status of the deposit request submitted:
Pending - pending for you to process the deposit request
Approved - deposit request has been approved by you
Rejected - deposit request has been rejected by you
Payment Status: refers to the callback status of the PayPal payment
Pending - pending callback to be received by PayPal
Success - callback is successful
Failed - callback has failed
You will receive the deposit request and will be able to approve / reject it accordingly.