Brokers can create new tasks by the following the steps below:
To create a new task, click “Add Task”.
Fill in the respective fields:
Title - title for the task
Handlers - person(s) in which the task is assigned to
Associated Clients/Leads - the clients/leads in which the task is associated to
Task - this will be selected by default
None - this will be selected by default
Deadline - due date of the task
Remark - any additional information regarding the task. The maximum number of characters allowed is 5,000.
Click "Save".
All tasks created in the "Tasks" tab will also be displayed in the Clients detail page (please refer to this section for more details: Admin Activities).
Brokers can complete tasks by following the steps below:
You can complete tasks via the following ways:
Complete the task via the task list by clicking onto the "Tick" icon.
Complete the task via the task details page.
Click the "View" icon for the task.
Click the "Tick" icon.
Completed tasks will be shown in the “Completed” Task List. The Complete Time will be reflected, and the task title will be strikethrough.
The Tasks tab provides brokers with the ability to create tasks, assign them to respective teams, and track their progress. This functionality enables teams to better manage client requests, follow up on them more efficiently, and ultimately improve customer relationships.
Through this feature, brokers can prioritize and delegate tasks, ensuring that client requests are handled in a timely and effective manner. By monitoring task statuses, brokers can also identify areas for improvement and streamline their operations, ultimately leading to improved client satisfaction.
Only the creator of the task, handler of the task and the owner of the CRM will be able to delete tasks.
To delete a task, simply click onto the "Delete" icon for the respective task.
If you are not the create of the task, handler of the task or the owner of the CRM, you will not be able to see the "Delete" icon.
A popup notice will appear. Click "Confirm" to proceed to delete the task.
Only the creator of the task, handler of the task and the owner of the CRM will be able to edit tasks.
To edit a task, follow the steps below:
Click onto the "View" icon for the respective task.
Amend the relevant fields and click “Save”.
If you are not the creator of the task, handler of the task or the owner of the CRM, you will not be able to edit the task.
Brokers can perform multiple functions to refine or filter the tasks data for better analysis, monitoring and tracking. The functions include:
Tasks are categorized into the following:
To-Do - tasks that are in progress and require your action
Overdue - tasks that have passed the deadline
To-Do Today - tasks that you have to do today
To-Do Tomorrow - tasks that you have to do tomorrow
To-Do This Week - tasks that you have to do this week
Created by Me - tasks created by you
Completed - tasks that have been completed
All - these are all the tasks that have been created
Brokers can click onto the dropdown list and select accordingly:
By default, when you enter the "Tasks" tab, the task list will be filtered to show To-Do tasks assigned to you.
You can pin your preferred task list by clicking onto the “Pin” icon. The pinned task list will be shown every time you go into the Tasks module.
The Calendar function is a tool designed to help your team effortlessly manage tasks by providing a comprehensive overview of assignments and their corresponding deadlines. Stay organized and on top of your schedule with this intuitive feature.