This displays all admin activities done in relation to a particular lead.
Admin Activities include the following:
The Activities tab shows all notes, emails, calls, and tasks.
To-do tasks appear at the top, and completed activities appear below in reverse chronological order (i.e. newest activities at the top).
All activities are collapsed by default. You can expand each activity to view details or click "Expand All."
Use the search bar to find a specific activity.
Filter activities by category with the drop-down menu.
Brokers can take down notes for leads to facilitate follow-up.
This tab displays a record of all notes.
Each note has a 5,000 character limit.
Notes are sorted in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest notes at the top), categorized by month, and display the following information:
Creater of note
Date and time created
Note content
Attached files (if any)
Use the search function to find specific notes.
To create a new note, click the "Create Note" button or the "Create Note" icon.
Tag the note by clicking on the icons for email or call to indicate the communication channel used.
This tagging system allows you to easily identify which communication channel your client used to contact you and helps with efficient follow-up.
Type out the note in the text box provided and attach any relevant files by clicking on the "Attach" icon.
Click "Confirm" to save the note.
Only the creator of the note will be able to edit.
To edit, locate the note you want to edit and click on the "Edit" icon.
Amend the note accordingly and click “Save” to confirm your changes.
By default, only the creator of the note can delete it. However, you can enable the permissions for other users to delete notes.
To delete the note, locate the note that you want to delete and click on the “Delete” icon.
A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the note. Click "Confirm" to proceed with the deletion.
Once you click "Confirm", the note will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
A record of all emails sent to the client will be displayed here.
Emails are sorted in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest emails at the top), categorized by month, and display the following information:
Email Subject
Email Sender
Email Status
The email content will not be shown in this tab. To view the content of an email, go to the "Notify" tab. (For more details, please refer to this section: 11. Notify).
Use the search bar to find a specific email.
To send out emails, you will need to enable the "Emails" permission. Otherwise, you will only be able to view email records here.
Send emails to the client by:
Clicking "Send Email" under the Email tab; or
Clicking the "Send Email" icon.
Fill in the following information:
Sender Email
Recipient - the lead's email address will be filled in by default
Email Subject
Email Content
Click "Send" (Please refer to this section for more details on drafting of emails: Send Email Notifications).
Email record will be displayed.
All outgoing and incoming calls are recorded and displayed in this tab.
Calls are sorted in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest calls at the top), categorized by month, and display the following information:
AirCall number
Lead's number
Call duration
Date and time of the call
Call records are collapsed by default but can be expanded individually by clicking the "Expand" icon or all at once by clicking "Expand All".
This tab displays a record of all tasks, which are categorized by "To-Do" and "Completed".
To-do tasks are shown at the top, and completed tasks are displayed below in reverse chronological order by month (i.e. the latest tasks are shown on the top).
Each task record shows the task title and the user assigned to it.
Tasks are collapsed by default, but you can expand them individually by clicking the "Expand" icon or expand all tasks with the "Expand All" function.
You can search for a specific task using the search function.
To create tasks, you will need to enable the "Add Tasks" permission. Otherwise, you will only be able to view task records here.
Create tasks by:
Clicking "Add Task" under the Task tab; or
Clicking the "Add Task" icon.
Fill in the respective fields and click "Save". (Please refer to this section for more details: 8. Tasks)
The task record will be displayed.
Only the following parties will be able to edit the task:
Creator of task
Handler of task
Owner of the CRM
To edit, locate the task you want to edit and click on the "Edit" icon.
Amend the task accordingly and click “Save” to confirm your changes.
Only the following parties will be able to delete the task:
Creator of task
Handler of task
Owner of the CRM
To delete the task, locate the task that you want to delete and click on the “Delete” icon.
A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the task. Click "Confirm" to proceed with the deletion.
Once you click "Confirm", the task will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
The Info Updates tab shows all activities done for this particular lead. This allows broker to easily monitor and track activities carried out for the potential lead. It also allows them to identify the person responsible for each action taken.
To initiate a call with your lead, simply click on the "Call" icon. For more information, please refer to this section: Back Office Portal - Call Settings.