In the Deposit Settings menu, brokers can configure the following:
In the Deposit Account Settings tab, brokers can choose whether to allow clients to deposit funds into their CRM wallets or directly into their trading accounts. This decision depends on the broker's preferences and business requirements.
Allowing clients to deposit into their CRM wallets provides flexibility in managing funds. Clients can deposit funds into their CRM wallets and then allocate them to their trading accounts using the "Transfer" function. This centralizes the balance and allows clients to distribute funds as needed.
Alternatively, brokers may prefer to restrict deposits directly to the trading accounts, bypassing the CRM wallets. In this case, clients would deposit funds directly into their trading accounts without any intermediate step.
To setup deposit account settings, follow these steps:
Click on the "Edit" icon in the deposit account settings.
Enable or disable accordingly.
Save the changes by clicking the "Save" button.
In the daily deposit settings, you have the ability to define a specific timeframe during which clients are allowed to submit deposit requests. This timeframe restricts the submission of deposit requests to the specified period within a day.
This helps ensure that deposit requests are submitted during hours when the broker's team is available to process them.
Click on the "Edit" icon in the daily deposit settings section.
Select the desired time zone from the available options.
Set the start time and end time for the daily deposit timeframe.
Click "Save" to apply the changes.
When clients initiate the deposit process, they will be presented with the deposit timeframe information. This allows them to be aware of the specific hours during which they can submit their deposit requests.
In the deposit request settings, brokers can set the maximum limit for the number of pending deposit requests that clients can submit. This allows brokers to manage and control the number of pending deposit requests from clients at any given time. Furthermore, brokers can empower clients to cancel their own online payment/deposit requests if they change their mind before processing. Brokers can also limit which payment statuses are eligible for cancellation.
To set up the deposit request settings, follow these steps:
Click on the "Edit" icon.
Choose one of the available options:
Unlimited - This option allows clients to submit an unlimited number of pending deposit requests. It is selected by default.
Customize - This option allows you to set a maximum limit for pending deposit requests. Enter the desired maximum number.
Click on the "Save" icon to save the changes.
When the deposit request setting is set as unlimited, clients have the freedom to submit as many pending deposit requests as they want without any restrictions.
On the other hand, if a maximum number of pending deposit requests is set, clients will be limited in the number of pending requests they can have at a time.
If a client attempts to submit another deposit request when they have already reached the maximum limit, an error message will be displayed.
This message informs the client that they have already reached the maximum number of pending deposit requests and they will need to wait for the broker to approve their existing requests before they can submit another one.
To setup the cancellation of requests, follow these steps:
Under "Deposit Request Settings", click the "Edit" icon.
"The payment platform is "Other"." will be manually selected by default and cannot be unselected, as this function is specifically for online payment methods only.
Select the following options:
The online payment status is "Pending" - allows clients to cancel online payment methods that are currently pending.
The online payment status is "Failed" - allows clients to cancel online payment methods that have failed.
Click the "Save" icon.
Your client will be able to cancel the respective deposit requests.
If a client attempts to deposit funds outside the defined daily deposit timeframe, a popup notice will appear to inform them of the timeframe restriction. In such cases, clients will not be able to proceed with submitting their deposit requests until the timeframe restrictions are met.
Enable Wallet Deposits
Clients will have the option to select their CRM wallet as the destination account when depositing funds.
Disable Wallet Deposits
Clients will not see their CRM wallet as an available option and can only select their trading accounts for funds deposit.
Enable Trading Account Deposits
Clients will have the option to select their trading accounts as the destination account when depositing funds.
Disable Trading Account Deposits
Clients will not see their trading accounts as an available option and can only select their CRM wallet for funds deposit.