The Tier Upgrade Reports are divided into two types:
Auto Upgrade Report: This report displays all clients/IBs who have met the auto upgrade requirements. It provides a comprehensive view of the status of tier upgrades that have been completed.
Manual Upgrade Report: This report includes all clients/IBs who have met the manual upgrade requirements. Brokers can use this report to closely monitor each client/IB and approve or reject the tier upgrades.
Brokers can navigate between the 2 reports via the dropdown list:
When a client/IB meets the criteria for tier upgrade, the system automatically upgrades their tier to the respective tier during the designated settlement time.
The auto upgrade report displays all clients/IBs who are eligible for tier upgrade and the tier upgrade status.
The available statuses for tier upgrades are as follows:
Success: The client/IB has been promoted successfully.
Fail: The client/IB has not been promoted successfully.
In case of failed records, brokers have the option to manually upgrade or reject the upgrade request by selecting the record and clicking "Upgrade" or "Reject."
Possible reasons for failure include:
The client's/IB's original tier is higher than the new tier, which may occur if the broker manually upgraded the client's/IB's tier before the system's automatic upgrade.
The client's rank has been changed.
Rejected: The broker has rejected the client's/IB's promotion request.
Expired: The client's/IB's promotion record represents old data from a previous settlement date. When a new record is updated in the report, the old data becomes expired. Expired records cannot be upgraded or rejected.
When a client/IB meets the criteria for tier upgrade, the system automatically upgrades their tier to the respective tier during the designated settlement time.
You will have the ability to manually approve or reject the promotion of clients/IBs.
The available statuses for tier upgrades are as follows:
Pending: The promotion request requires your approval or rejection.
Success: The client/IB has been promoted successfully.
Fail: The client/IB has not been promoted successfully.
In case of failed records, brokers have the option to manually upgrade or reject the upgrade request by selecting the record and clicking "Upgrade" or "Reject."
Possible reasons for failure include:
The client's/IB's original tier is higher than the new tier, which may occur if the broker manually upgraded the client's/IB's tier before the system's automatic upgrade.
The client's rank has been changed.
Rejected: The broker has rejected the client's/IB's promotion request.
Expired: The client's/IB's promotion record represents old data from a previous settlement date. When a new record is updated in the report, the old data becomes expired. Expired records cannot be upgraded or rejected.