Brokers will be able to perform the following functions:
Brokers will be able to view the reports for the trading account. The following reports are available:
Deposit / Withdrawal
Trade History
Open Positions
Pending Orders
The following functions are available for each report:
Date Range Filter
Summation of Data
Bind Clients
This refers to the client that the trading account is binded to.
Brokers can amend this by following the steps below:
Select the client.
Rebate Customer
This refers to the client that will receive IB commission from the trades done by this trading account (please refer to this section for more details: Fixed Commission Scheme) By default, this field will be left empty. IB commission from the trades done by this trading account will be rebate to the client it is bind to.
Brokers can amend this by following the steps below:
Select the client.
Brokers can deposit funds into the trading account by following the steps below:
Fill in the amount to be deposited.
Key in your comment.
Click "Send notification email to the client" if you want the client to be notified via email. You can select the langauge of the email too.
Brokers can withdraw funds from the trading account by following the steps below:
Fill in the amount to be withdrawn.
Key in your comment.
Click "Send notification email to the client" if you want the client to be notified via email. You can select the language of the email too.
Brokers can credit in or out funds from the trading account by following the steps below:
Select "Credit In" or "Credit Out".
Fill in the amount to credit in or out.
Key in your comment.
Click "Send notification email to the client" if you want the client to be notified via email. You can select the langauge of the email too.
Brokers can change the password of the trading account by following the steps below:
Select "Master Password" or "Investor Password".
Key in the new password.
Confirm the new password by keying it in again.
Click "Send notification email to the client" if you want the client to be notified via email. You can select the language of the email too. The email sent to the client will contain the new password for the trading account.
Brokers can delete the trading account by following the steps below:
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "Confirm".
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "Confirm".
Click "Deposit".
Click "Save". Funds will automatically be deposited into the trading account.
Click "Withdraw".
Click "Save". Funds will automatically be withdrawn from the trading account.
Click "Credit".
Click "Save". Funds will automatically be credited in or out of the trading account.
Click "Password".
Click "Save". The password of the trading account will be changed.
Click "Delete".
A popup notice will appear to inform brokers that data cannot be restored once the trading account is deleted. Click "Confirm" to proceed.
Brokers will be able to view the CRM information of the trading account. The following information will be displayed:
Brokers will be able to amend the information by following the steps below:
Click the "Edit" icon.
The following information can be amended:
CRM Account Type
Yes - trades done from this trading account will be considered for IB commission rebates.
No - trades done from this trading account will not be considered for IB commission rebates (i.e. all trades will not result in any IB commissions).
Allow CRM Deposit
Allow CRM Withdrawal
Allow Transfer
Yes - client will be able to transfer funds from or to this trading account via the CRM client portal. By default, this will be enabled.
No - client will not be able to transfer funds from or to this trading account via the CRM client portal. Selecting "No" here will result in this trading account being hidden from "Source Account" and "Target Account" when clients are transferring funds on the CRM client portal.
Click the "Save" icon.
Yes - clients and brokers will be able to deposit funds into the trading account via CRM. By default, this will be enabled and the "Deposit" button will be shown.
No - clients and brokers will not be able to deposit funds into the trading account via CRM. Selecting "No" here will result in the "Deposit" button to be hidden. Similarly, clients will not be able to submit deposit requests to this trading account via the CRM Client Portal.
Yes - clients and brokers will be able to withdraw funds from the trading account via CRM. By default, this will be enabled and the "Withdraw" button will be shown.
No - clients and brokers will not be able to withdraw funds from the trading account via CRM. Selecting "No" here will result in the "Withdraw" button to be hidden. Similarly, clients will not be able to submit withdrawal requests for this trading account via the CRM Client Portal.
Brokers will be able to view and edit the details of the trading accounts by selecting the respective client and clicking the "View" icon.
You will be able to view all details in relation to the trading account:
Brokers will be able to view the trading platform information of the trading account. The following information will be displayed:
Brokers will be able to amend the information by following the steps below:
Click the "Edit" icon.
You will be able to amend the following information:
Name in Trading Platform
Email in Trading Platform
Leverage of Trading Account
Group of Trading Account
Login Status
Enabled - client will be able to login to their trading account
Disabled - client will not be able to login to their trading account
Trading Status
Enabled - client will be able to trade
Disabled - client will not be able to trade
Agent Account - this refers to the agent account ID of the trading account in which commissions are paid out to. Agent commissions are set on the trading platform and not on the CRM.
Lead Source
Allow to Change Password - selecting this option allows the client to change their trading account password from the trading platform.
Send Reports - selecting this option enables the trading platform to send out trading statements to the client.
Enable One-Time-Password - selecting this option will require clients to input OTP before logging into the trading account.
Click the "Save" icon.