To create a new trading competition, you will need to complete the following steps:
Create & Configure Competition Settings
Configure Competition Banner
To create and configure competition settings, follow these steps:
To configure the competition banner, follow these steps:
After creating and configuring the new competition, click the "Settings" icon.
Upload the cover thumbnail and campaign poster.
Enter the campaign details in the respective languages.
Click the "Save" button to save your configuration.
Navigate to Competition Settings menu.
Click "New Competition".
Fill in the following details:
Competition Name
Trading Server
Select registration fee and fill in the amount if you wish to charge clients a registration fee before they can participate in the trading competition. There are 2 payment methods:
Prepayment of Registration Fee: Clients will be redirected to the deposit page to make the payment.
Deduct Registration Fee from Competition Account Balance: The registration fee will be directly deducted from the trading account selected by the client for the competition.
Fill in the description. This section is for you to provide more information on the registration fee. If no registration fee is set, you will not need to fill this in.
Select the Client Portal Leadership Display Range.
This allows you to select the number of rankings you wish to make available to your clients.
The available options are: Top 3, Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 or Top 30.
Select the Ranking Rule.
Currently, only profit percentage is available.
Profit Percentage = [End Balance - (Initial Balance + Deposit During Campaign)] / [Initial Balance + Deposit During Campaign] x 100%
Setup the Prize Settings.
Competition prizes are paid out in a fixed amount.
Specify how much you wish to pay out for the top ranks.
You can choose to payout as many ranks as required by clicking the "Add" button.
Fill in the Following:
Campaign Time Zone
Competition Time Frame: This is the period during which the competition is ongoing.
Registration Time Frame: This is the period during which clients can register for the competition.
Selec how you want the prize to be paid out:
Trading Account Balance
Trading Account Credit
CRM Wallet
Select the Prize Payout Method:
Automatic: You will need to set the prize payout time. At this designated time, the prizes will automatically be paid out to the clients.
Manual: You will need to manually payout the prizes to your clients.
Click Save.