There are 2 types of bonus campaigns:
Deposit Bonus:
Bonuses are awarded to clients who have met the campaign requirements or their respective uplines.
Applicable to both new and existing clients.
New Referral Bonus:
Bonuses are awarded to clients who have met the campaign requirements, or their respective uplines / referrer.
Applicable only to newly referred clients who have opened an account and made a deposit within the campaign time frame.
Brokers can navigate between the 2 campaigns here:
To create a referral bonus campaign, follow the steps below:
Click "New Campaign".
Fill in the Campaign Name
Select the Bonus Criteria:
New Users Complete Deposit:
During the campaign period, if a client registers an account and makes a deposit, both the client and/or the uplines will receive a bonus.
The target audience of this bonus criteria are traders.
The purpose is to reward new clients for creating an account and depositing funds during the campaign. Uplines can also be rewarded with a bonus (set under Bonus Recipients).
New Referrals Complete Deposit
During the campaign period, if a referrer refers another client who registers an account and makes a deposit, the referrer will receive the bonus payout.
The target audience of this bonus criteria are referrers and IBs.
The purpose is to reward referrers for introducing new clients who open accounts and deposit funds during the campaign.
You can set the number of downline levels to be included in the bonus payout. For example, if you set 1 to 3 downlines, it means the referral will receive bonus payout for any new downlines up to 3 levels who create an account and deposit funds during the campaign period.
Configure the Deposit Type:
Currently, the only available deposit type is "Deposit Request Approval."
This means that the bonus will only be paid out to clients who have submitted deposit requests that have been approved by you.
Manual deposits made by you on the CRM Backoffice or MT4/5 Manager will not qualify for the bonus payout.
Select the Deposit Currency for the bonus payout.
Select the Client Group that will be eligible for participation in this bonus campaign. The bonus will only be paid out if the client/referral belongs to the selected Client Group.
Configure the Campaign Rules:
Bonus Recipient
For "New Users Complete Deposit":
New User - Bonus will be paid out to the newly registered client who has deposited funds.
Uplines - Bonus will be paid out to the uplines of the new client who has deposited funds. Please specify the number of levels to determine the uplines eligible for bonus. For example, if you set 2 levels, the bonus will be paid out to the client's first two levels of uplines. Any uplines beyond the second level will not receive any bonus.
For “Recommend New Users to Complete Deposit”:
The bonus recipient will only be the referrer and will be selected by default.
Bonus Payout Method
Trading Account Credit
Trading Account Deposit
CRM Wallet Deposit
Bonus Rule
For “New Users Complete Deposit”:
First Deposit - Bonus will be calculated based on the first deposit transaction made by the new client.
Total Deposit - Bonus will be calculated based on the total deposits made by the new client throughout the campaign.
For “Recommend New Users to Complete Deposit”:
First Deposit - Bonus will be calculated based on the first deposit transaction made by the new client.
Total Deposit - Bonus will be calculated based on the total deposits made by the new client throughout the campaign.
Number of New Users who Complete First Deposit - Bonus will be calculated based on the total number of new clients who completed their first deposit. Please set the minimum amount for the first deposit in this Bonus Rule.
Configure the Deposit Range and the respective bonus payout amount.
Define the deposit range for which the bonus will be applicable.
Choose whether the bonus calculation should be a fixed amount or a percentage of the deposit amount.
For "Total Number of New Clients who Completed First Deposit" bonus calculation, only the "Fixed amount" option is available.
By default, the bonus payout frequency will be set as "End of Campaign".
Configure Campaign Time Frame
Time Zone: Select the appropriate time zone for the campaign.
Start Date: Specify the start date. Please note that the earliest start date allowed is tomorrow.
End Date: Set the end date for the campaign.
Click "Save".
To create a deposit bonus campaign, follow the steps below:
Click "New Campaign".
Fill in the Campaign Name
Select the Bonus Criteria. Currently, the only bonus criteria available is "Client Deposits." This option will be selected by default.
Deposit Type
The only available option at present is "Deposit Request Approval."
This means that the bonus will only be paid out to clients whose deposit requests have been approved by you.
Manually processed deposits, whether done on the CRM Backoffice or MT4/5 Manager, will not qualify for the bonus payout.
Deposit Currency
Configure the currency for the deposit and the bonus payout.
Client Group of Client Depositing Funds
Select the specific Client Group that will be eligible for participation in this new bonus campaign.
The bonus will only be paid out if the client depositing funds belongs to the Client Group selected.
Configure the Campaign Rules:
Bonus Recipient
Deposit User - Bonus will be paid out to clients who have made deposits.
Uplines - Bonus will be paid out to the uplines of the client who made the deposit. Please specify the number of levels you wish to payout bonus to. For example, if you enter 2 levels, bonus will be paid out to the client's first two levels of uplines. Any uplines beyond the second level will not receive any bonus.
Bonus Payout Method
Trading Account Credit
Trading Account Deposit
CRM Wallet Deposit
Bonus Rules
Per Deposit - Bonus calculation will be based on each deposit transaction made by your client.
Total Deposit - Bonus calculation will be based on the total deposits made throughout the campaign.
Configure the Deposit Range and the respective bonus payout amount.
Define the deposit range for which the bonus will be applicable.
Choose whether the bonus calculation should be a fixed amount or a percentage of the deposit amount.
Configure the Bonus Payout Frequency:
Depending on the selected Bonus Rule, the available options will vary:
For "Per Deposit":
Set the bonus payout frequency to occur every 1, 3, 5, or 7 days.
Alternatively, you can choose to pay out the bonus at the end of the event.
For "Total Deposit":
Bonus payout will only occur at the end of the event.
Configure Campaign Time Frame
Time Zone: Select the appropriate time zone for the campaign.
Start Date: Specify the start date. Please note that the earliest start date allowed is tomorrow.
End Date: Set the end date for the campaign.
Click "Save".