Stripe is exclusively available to Proprietary Trading Firms and is not accessible to FX brokers.
To register for a Stripe account, follow these steps:
Once you have created your Stripe account, follow these steps to retrieve the required parameters:
Navigate to the Stripe dashboard portal.
Fill in your credentials and click "Continue" to log in.
Once logged in, click on "Developers".
Select "API keys".
Retrieve the Publishable Key and the Secret Key. For the Secret Key, click "Reveal test key" to access it.
Navigate to Stripe's official website.
Click "Start Now".
Fill in the required details and proceed by clicking "Create Account".
You'll need to verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your email inbox.
Upon verifying your email address, you will be redirected to activate payments on your account. To proceed, click "Activate Payments".
Complete the onboarding form to complete your Stripe account creation.