To deposit funds via Match2Pay, your clients can follow these steps:
In the Approvals page of your CRM, you can easily monitor all deposits made via Match2Pay. The payment status will be reflected as follows:
Success: This indicates that the callback for the deposit was successful, confirming a completed transaction.
Failed: This status signifies that the callback for the deposit failed, indicating an unsuccessful transaction.
Pending: If the callback for the deposit has not been received yet, the status will be shown as Pending, indicating that the transaction is still being processed.
To update and refresh the payment status, you can click on the refresh icon provided. This action will initiate a refresh of the status, ensuring that the most up-to-date information is displayed.
Navigate to the "Funds" section in their account and click on "Deposit".
Select the "Match2Pay" deposit method from the available options.
Fill in the deposit form with the required information. The fields displayed will correspond to the settings configured by you.
A notice will inform the client to enter the payment amount exactly as the amount they will pay to Match2Pay, ensuring a smooth deposit process.
Click "Confirm" to proceed with the deposit request.
Clients will then be redirected to the Match2Pay payment page, where they have two options:
If clients already have cryptocurrency, they can simply transfer the crypto to the provided wallet address.
If clients do not have cryptocurrency, they can click on "I Don't Have Crypto" and proceed to purchase crypto through the available methods provided by Match2Pay.
A deposit request will be sent to you, and it will be either manually or automatically approved based on the approval settings configured by you.
Once the payment is made, the client will be redirected to the deposit history page.