In the Rank Settings, you have the ability to create various ranking systems with multiple tiers within each rank. These ranks and tiers are specifically designed for fixed commission schemes. By implementing ranking systems, you can establish different levels of recognition and rewards for your IBs based on their performance and achievements. This encourages their continued growth and success within your referral program.
To create a new rank, follow these steps:
Click on the "Add Rank" button.
Provide a name for the rank you are creating.
Fill in the names of the tiers within the rank, starting from the lowest tier (i.e. Tier 1). You can add additional tiers by clicking on the "Add" button.
Once you have entered the necessary information, click on the "Create Rank" button to save your changes.
In the Commission Settings, you can configure the IB commission rebate settings to customize the commission schemes for your IBs and referrals. There are two types of commissions available: fixed commissions and flexible commissions. This allows you to adapt the commission structure to align with the unique referral business models of your IBs.
In the Symbol Group Settings, you have the ability to group symbols into distinct categories. This grouping enables you to establish varying commission payout amounts for each symbol group. By organizing symbols into specific groups, you can efficiently manage commission structures tailored to different symbol categories.
To edit ranks, follow these steps:
Locate the rank you want to edit and click on the "Edit" button.
Make the necessary amendments to the rank details.
After making the desired changes, click on the "Update Rank" button to save the updated rank settings.
You cannot edit ranks that are currently in use.
Under Calculation Settings, you have the ability to define the time interval between the opening and closing of trades. This interval determines the duration for which a trade must be held in order for the commission payout to be considered valid.
If you wish to discourage or limit scalping activities, you can adjust the time interval to a longer duration. By doing so, commission payouts will only be applied to trades that are held for a period of time.
To setup the interval, follow these steps:
Click "Calculation Settings".
Key in the time interval in seconds.
Click "Confirm".
To sort ranks, you can follow these steps:
Click on the rank you want to sort.
Drag and move it to the desired location within the list.
Release the mouse button to finalize the sorting.
To delete ranks, please follow these steps:
Locate the rank you want to delete and click on the "delete" icon.
A popup notice will appear to confirm the deletion.
Click "confirm" to proceed with the deletion.
Please note that you will not be able to delete ranks that are currently in use.
To create symbol groups, follow these steps:
Click on "Add Symbol Group."
Fill in the group name.
Select the symbols to be assigned to this symbol group. Please note that each symbol can only be assigned to one symbol group.
Click on the options.
Click on "Create Symbol Group."
In the Rule Settings, you have the ability to configure commission schemes for your IBs. You can easily switch between the two commission scheme options, Fixed or Flexible, using the side menu.
Fixed commission settings refer to a commission scheme where a predetermined and fixed commission rebate is paid to your IBs based on the configured settings.
On the other hand, flexible commission settings allow for customization of commission schemes to cater to the specific needs and requirements of individual IBs and referrals.
You have the flexibility to choose the destination for commission rebates. You can opt to have commissions rebated directly into your IBs' trading accounts or into their CRM wallets.
Rebating commissions into the trading accounts provides a seamless and convenient approach, allowing IBs to utilize the rebated funds for further trading activities.
On the other hand, rebating commissions into the CRM wallets can offer a centralized system for managing and distributing funds, providing IBs with greater control and flexibility in utilizing their commission rebates.
To setup the rebate method, follow these steps:
Click onto the "Settings" icon.
Select "Rebate to wallet" or "Rebate to trading account".
Click "Confirm".
To edit symbol groups, follow these steps:
Locate the symbol group you want to edit and click on the "Edit" icon.
Make the necessary amendments to the group.
Click on "Update Symbol Group" to save the changes.
To sort symbol groups, please follow these steps:
Locate the symbol group you want to sort.
Click and hold on the symbol group.
Drag the symbol group to the desired location.
Release the symbol group in the new location.
The symbol group will be sorted accordingly.
To delete symbol groups, follow these steps:
Locate the symbol group you want to delete and click on the "Delete" icon.
A popup notice will appear to confirm the action. Click "Confirm" to proceed.
Please note that you will not be able to delete the symbol group if it is currently being used by your commission schemes.
To facilitate the payout of IB commission rebates to your IBs and referrals, you will need to activate the real-time rebate feature.
To enable or disable commission payouts, simply click onto the "On/Off" button. By clicking this button, you can toggle the commission payout functionality according to your needs.
For transparency and auditing purposes, a comprehensive history log is available by clicking the "History" button.
This log provides information on when real-time rebates were activated or deactivated, including the timestamp, action taken, and the user responsible for the action.
You have the ability to hide zero commission data on your CRM. This is designed to optimize the process of referral commission payouts, ensuring efficiency and accuracy for all recipients. By concealing data with a 0-commission amount, the system focuses on relevant information, streamlining the payout process and contributing to an overall more efficient operation.
This function is only available for Flexible Commissions.
By default, this function is disabled, and you will be able to see $0 commission records on the Flexible Commission Report.
To enable this function, follow these steps:
Navigate to Settings > Commission > Flexible Rule Setting.
Click "Disable" button beside "Include Zero Commission Records".
A notice will appear. Click "Confirm" to proceed.
The Flexible Commission Report will no longer record orders with commission payout amount of $0.
Fixed commission settings refer to a commission scheme where a predetermined and fixed commission rebate is paid to your IBs based on the configured settings.
To create a new fixed commission scheme, follow these steps:
Click on "Add Commission Scheme."
Fill in the scheme name.
Select the rank structure to which the commission scheme is applicable.
Click on "Create" to create the commission scheme.
Alternatively, you can click on "Create and Configure" to proceed with configuring the settings for the commission scheme.
For the fixed commission scheme, there are three different types of commission available:
Basic Scheme: This refers to the basic fixed commission scheme that will be paid to IBs when their downlines trade.
Overriding Commission: This refers to the overriding commission paid to uplines for the commission received by their downlines.
Same Rank Commissions: This refers to the same rank commission paid out to uplines for the commissions received by downlines of the same rank.
To configure Fixed Commission Scheme - Basic Scheme, follow these steps:
Locate the commission scheme you want to configure and click the view icon.
Navigate to "Scheme Details".
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "Add Symbol Group."
Select the commission structure. For fixed commission, there are two types:
Rank - IBs will receive commissions based on their tier.
Level - IBs will receive commission depending on the number of levels between the IB and the trader.
Select the commission type. For fixed commission, there are the following options:
Fixed - A fixed amount of commission will be rebated to the IB.
Spread - A percentage of the spread will be paid out as commission rebate to the IB. This applies only to MT5.
Profit % - A percentage of the trade's profit will be paid out as commission rebate to the IB.
Trading Platform Commission % - A percentage of the trading platform commission charged to your clients will be paid out as commission rebate to the IB.
Select the trading platform group to which the commission scheme applies.
Select the rebate currency.
This is applicable only to Fixed and Spread commission types.
When selecting the rebate currency as "Trading Account Base Currency," it means that the inputted commission amount is denominated in the trading account's base currency.
Fill in the commission amount.
You can add multiple symbol groups to a single fixed commission scheme.
Click "Save."
To configure overriding commissions, follow these steps:
Locate the commission scheme you want to configure and click the view icon.
Navigate to the "Overriding" section.
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "Add Symbol Group." You will only be able to add the symbol groups that are configured for the basic fixed commission scheme.
Set the overriding commission percentage for each level.
Click "Save."
To configure same rank bonus, follow these steps:
Locate the commission scheme you want to configure and click the view icon.
Navigate to the "Same Rank Bonus" section.
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "Add Symbol Group." You will only be able to add the symbol groups that are configured for the basic fixed commission scheme.
Set the same rank bonus commission percentage for each level.
Click "Save."
To edit a fixed commission scheme, follow these steps:
Locate the commission scheme you wish to edit and click the "view" icon.
Navigate to the section of the commission you want to edit: scheme details, overriding commissions, or same rank bonus.
Click the "edit" icon.
Make the necessary changes.
Click "save" to save the updated settings.
You can select "Set Current Scheme as Default" to set the commission scheme as the default for IBs.
Select the symbol group you want to add to this commission scheme and click "Confirm."
Conversely, selecting the rebate currency as USD indicates that the keyed commission amount is denominated in United States Dollars.
For Rank Commission Structure, the tiers will automatically be displayed, and you will need to fill in the commission payout amount.
For Level Commission Structure, you will need to setup the number of levels you will pay out for and the respective commission amount.
You can expand the symbol list to view the included symbols in the symbol group.
To delete a fixed commission scheme, follow these steps:
Locate the fixed commission scheme you want to delete and click the "delete" icon.
A popup notification will appear.
Click "confirm" to proceed with the deletion.
Please note that you cannot delete fixed commission schemes that are currently being used.
Once you have configured the parameters for the fixed commission scheme, you will need to assign them to the respective clients.
To apply the fixed commission scheme to a client, go to the client's highest upline details page and navigate to the "Commissions" tab to add the commission scheme.
If the commission mode is set to "Rank," you will need to assign tiers for the entire referral tree to ensure . This ensures that the correct commission is accurately calculated and paid out to the IB and their downlines based on their respective ranks. By default the entire referral tree will follow the Rank assigned to the most upline.
If you have configured the fixed commission scheme to be paid out as a rebate to the trading account, it is important to assign a specific trading account as the designated rebate account.
To do this, navigate to the "Trading Accounts" tab in the platform settings.
From there, you can select the desired trading account to be designated as the rebate account for the commission payouts. This ensures that the commission rebates are accurately credited to the specified trading account.
To sort fixed commission schemes, follow these steps:
Locate the fixed commission scheme you wish to sort.
Click and hold the scheme.
Drag it to the desired location.
Release the mouse button to place the scheme in the new position.
Flexible commission settings allow for customization of commission schemes to cater to the specific needs and requirements of individual IBs and referrals.
To edit a flexible commission scheme, please follow these steps:
Locate the flexible commission scheme that you wish to edit and click on the "Edit" icon.
Make the necessary amendments to the fields you want to modify.
Once you have made the desired changes, click on the "Update" button to save and update the flexible commission scheme with the new settings.
You can also customize the pip settings to ensure accurate and fair commission payouts to your IBs when using the "Pip" commission mode. This setting is particularly relevant as the pip values for different trading symbols can vary.
To configure pip settings, follow these steps:
Click on "Pip Settings".
By default, there are pre-set pip calculations available.
You can assign symbols to the different pip calculation methods:
Click "Edit" icon.
Select the trading symbols.
Click "Save".
If you have a different pip calculation method that is not already provided, you can click on "Add Calculate Method".
Fill in the required details:
Fill in "Rule Name".
Specify the "Pip Calculation Method" according to your desired calculation logic.
Assign the trading symbols that should follow this new rule by selecting them from the available options.
Click "Save".
To delete a flexible commission scheme, please follow these steps:
Locate the flexible commission scheme that you wish to delete and click on the "Delete" icon.
A popup notice will appear, confirming your intention to delete the commission scheme. Click on the "Confirm" button to proceed with the deletion.
Please note that if the commission scheme is currently being used, you will not be able to delete it.
To sort flexible commission schemes, please follow these steps:
Locate the flexible commission scheme you wish to sort.
Click and hold the scheme.
Drag it to the desired location.
Release the mouse button to place the scheme in the new position.
Once you have configured the parameters for the flexible commission scheme, you will need to assign them to the respective clients.
Flexible commission rebates will only be paid out to clients categorized as "IB" under the Client Type. Clients classified as "Traders" will not receive any flexible commission rebates.
To apply the flexible commission scheme to a client, go to the client's details page and navigate to the "Commissions" tab to add the commission scheme.
Once added, you will have the option to set the flexible commission amount based on your desired rebate structure. The commission amount you set here determines the IB commission rebate that will be paid out when this client engages in trading activities.
In case you want the client to receive rebates for their own trades as well, you can select the "include own account" option. This ensures that the client also receives commission rebates for the trades they personally execute.
If you have configured the flexible commission scheme to be paid out as a rebate to the trading account, it is important to assign a specific trading account as the designated rebate account.
To do this, navigate to the "Trading Accounts" tab in the platform settings.
From there, you can select the desired trading account to be designated as the rebate account for the commission payouts. This ensures that the commission rebates are accurately credited to the specified trading account.
To create a new flexible commission scheme, follow these steps:
Click on the "Create" button.
Fill in the desired Rule Name for the commission scheme.
Select the trading platform groups to which this commission scheme will apply.
Choose the symbol group to which this commission scheme will be applicable.
Select the commission mode from the available options, which can be either:
Profit %
Trading Platform Commission %
The commission unit will be set as "lot" and cannot be changed.
Set the maximum rebate amount if applicable for this commission scheme.
Set the rebate currency by clicking either "USD" or "Trading Account Base Currency".
This is applicable to Fixed and Pip commission modes only.
When selecting the rebate currency as "Trading Account Base Currency," it means that the inputted commission amount is denominated in the trading account's base currency.
Conversely, selecting the rebate currency as USD indicates that the keyed commission amount is denominated in United States Dollars.
If you want the rebate to be paid to the trader as well by default, select the option "Contains your own account by default."
Click on the "Create" button to create the flexible commission scheme.
The following examples illustrate the calculation of commission rebates for IBs based on the commission settings:
The rank commission structure allocates commission rebates to your IBs according to their tier.
Assume the rank commissions are set as the following:
Bronze (Bottom Tier)
Platinum (Top Tier)
Calculation Scenario:
Eva 9 (Highest Upline)
Eva 9 and Eva 8 are both Platinum tier IBs. Only the first Platinum tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 9 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 8
1 lot x $5 = $5
Based on Platinum Settings: $5 / lot
Eva 7
Eva 4 and Eva 7 are both Diamond tier IBs. Only the first Diamond tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 7 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 6
No commission payout for Eva 6 as the tier is lower than Eva 4.
Eva 5
No commission payout for Eva 5 as the tier is lower than Eva 4.
Eva 4
1 lot x 4 = $4
Based on Diamond Settings: $4 / lot
Eva 3
Eva 2 and Eva 3 are both Gold tier IBs. Only the first Gold tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 3 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 2
1 lot x (2+3) = $5
Commissions for Silver and Gold tiers will be paid because there is no Silver-tier IB between Eva 1 and Eva 2.
Eva 1
1 lot x 1 = $1
Based on Bronze Settings: $1 / lot
Eva (Lowest Downline)
1 lot
No downlines.
The level commission structure does not factor in the IB's tiers. Commissions are paid out based on the hierarchical relationship between the IBs.
Assume the level commissions are set as the following:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Calculation Scenario:
Eva 4 (Highest Upline)
0 lots
Eva 4 is level 4 upline of Eva. No commissions set for level 4, so no commissions are paid out.
Eva 3
0 lots
$1 x 2 lots = $2
Eva 3 is level 3 upline of Eva.
Eva 2
0 lots
$2 x 2 lots = $4
Eva 2 is level 2 upline of Eva.
Eva 1
0 lots
$3 x 2 lots = $6
Eva 1 is level 1 upline of Eva.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
2 lots
No downlines.
Spread commission type pays out a percentage of the spread to the IBs.
Assume the spread commission settings are set as the following:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Calculation Scenario:
Eva 4 (Highest Upline)
0 lots
Eva 4 is level 4 upline of Eva. No commissions set for level 4, so no commissions are paid out.
Eva 3
0 lots
1% x 4 x 2 lots = $0.08
Eva 3 is level 3 upline of Eva.
Eva 2
0 lots
2% x 4 x 2 lots = $0.16
Eva 2 is level 2 upline of Eva.
Eva 1
0 lots
3% x 4 x 2 lots = $0.24
Eva 1 is level 1 upline of Eva.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
2 lots (Spread =4)
No downlines.
Profit Percentage commission type pays out a percentage of the trade's profit to the IBs.
Assume the profit percentage commission settings are set as the following:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Calculation Scenario:
Eva 4 (Highest Upline)
0 lots
Eva 4 is level 4 upline of Eva. No commissions set for level 4, so no commissions are paid out.
Eva 3
0 lots
1% x 4 = $0.04
Eva 3 is level 3 upline of Eva.
Eva 2
0 lots
2% x 4 = $0.08
Eva 2 is level 2 upline of Eva.
Eva 1
0 lots
3% x 4 = $0.12
Eva 1 is level 1 upline of Eva.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
2 lots (Profit = $4)
No downlines.
Trading Platform Commission Percentage commission type pays out a percentage of the trading commissions charged to traders to the IBs.
Assume the trading platform commission percentage commission settings are set as the following:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Eva 4 (Highest Upline)
0 lots
Eva 4 is level 4 upline of Eva. No commissions set for level 4, so no commissions are paid out.
Eva 3
0 lots
1% x $1 = $0.01
Eva 3 is level 3 upline of Eva.
Eva 2
0 lots
2% x $1 = $0.02
Eva 2 is level 2 upline of Eva.
Eva 1
0 lots
3% x $1 = $0.03
Eva 1 is level 1 upline of Eva.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
1 lots Trading Platform Commissions = $1
No downlines.
Overriding commissions payout a percentage of earned commissions from downlines to uplines.
Assume the overriding commission settings are set as the following:
Bronze (Bottom Tier)
Platinum (Highest Tier)
Calculation Scenario:
Eva 9 (Highest Upline)
Eva 9 and Eva 8 are both Platinum tier IBs. Only the first Platinum tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 9 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 8
Fixed Commissions: 1 lot x $5 = $5 Overriding: (5+1+4) x 1% = $0.10
Based on Platinum overriding commission settings: 1%
Eva 7
Eva 4 and Eva 7 are both Diamond tier IBs. Only the first Diamond tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 7 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 6
No commission payout for Eva 6 as the tier is lower than Eva 4.
Eva 5
No commission payout for Eva 5 as the tier is lower than Eva 4.
Eva 4
Fixed Commissions: 1 lot x 4 = $4 Overriding: (5+1) x 2% = $0.12
Based on Diamond overriding commission settings: 2%
Eva 3
Eva 2 and Eva 3 are both Gold tier IBs. Only the first Gold tier IB is eligible for the rebate, so Eva 3 does not receive any commissions.
Eva 2
Fixed Commissions:
1 lot x (2+3) = $5 Overriding:
$1 x (3%+4%) = $0.07
Overriding Commissions for Silver and Gold will be paid because there is no Silver tier between Eva 2 and Eva 1.
Eva 1
Fixed Commissions
1 lot x 1 = $1 Overriding: $0
Eva has no commissions, so no overriding commissions for Eva 1.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
1 lot
No downlines.
The Same Rank Bonus distributes a percentage of commissions earned by downlines to uplines within the same tier.
Assume the same rank bonus settings are set as the following:
Bronze (Bottom Tier)
Platinum (Highest Tier)
Calculation Scenario 1:
Eva 9 (Highest Upline)
Same Rank: ($5+$0.10) x 0.1% = $0.01
Eva 9 will receive same rank bonus as Eva 8 has the same tier. Based on Platinum same rank bonus settings: 0.1%
Eva 8
Fixed Commissions: 1 lot x $5 = $5 Overriding: (5+1+4) x 1% = $0.10 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 8.
Eva 7
Same Rank: ($4+$0.12) x 0.2% = $0.01
Eva 7 will receive same rank bonus as Eva 4 has the same tier. Based on Diamond same rank bonus settings: 0.2%
Eva 6
Eva 6, Eva 3 and Eva 2 are all Gold tier IBs. Only the first IB with the same tier (i.e. Eva 3) is eligible for the same rank bonus. Hence, Eva 6 does not receive any same rank bonus.
Eva 5
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 5.
Eva 4
Fixed Commissions: 1 lot x 4 = $4 Overriding: (5+1) x 2% = $0.12 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 4.
Eva 3
Same Rank: ($5+$0.07) x 0.3% = $0.01
Eva 3 will receive same rank bonus as Eva 2 has the same tier. Based on Gold same rank bonus settings: 0.3%
Eva 2
Fixed Commissions:
1 lot x (2+3) = $5 Overriding:
$1 x (3%+4%) = $0.07 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 2.
Eva 1
Fixed Commissions
1 lot x 1 = $1 Overriding: $0 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 1.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
1 lot
No downlines.
Calculation Scenario 2:
Eva 9 (Highest Upline)
Same Rank: $0
Eva 9, Eva 8 and Eva 6 are all Platinum tier IBs. Only the first IB with the same tier (i.e. Eva 8) is eligible for the same rank bonus. Hence, Eva 9 does not receive any same rank bonus.
Eva 8
Same Rank: ($5+$0.10) x 0.1% = $0.01
Eva 8 will receive same rank bonus as Eva 6 has the same tier. Based on Platinum same rank bonus settings: 0.1%
Eva 7
Same Rank: $0
Eva 7 will not qualify for the same rank bonus, despite sharing the same tier as Eva 4. This is due to the presence of a higher-tier IB (Eva 6 - Platinum) between them.
Eva 6
Fixed Commissions: $5 Overriding: $0.10 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 6.
Eva 5
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 5.
Eva 4
Fixed Commissions: $4 Overriding: $0.12 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 4.
Eva 3
Same Rank: ($5+$0.07) x 0.3% = $0.01
Eva 3 will receive same rank bonus as Eva 2 has the same tier. Based on Gold same rank bonus settings: 0.3%
Eva 2
Fixed Commissions:
$5 Overriding:
$0.07 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 2.
Eva 1
Fixed Commissions: $1 Overriding: $0 Same Rank: $0
No same rank bonus as there is no downline with the same tier as Eva 1.
Eva (Lowest Downline)
1 lot
No downlines.
Calculation Scenario 1:
Hilda (Top Tier)
0 lots
1 lot x $1 = $1
0 lots
1 lot x $2 = $2
0 lots
1 lot x $3 = $3
0 lots
1 lot x $4 = $4
Endah (Bottom Tier)
1 lot
No commissions paid out to Endah as no commissions are set.
Calculation Scenario 2:
Commission Settings:
Hilda (Top Tier)
0 lots
2 lots x $1.30 = $2.60
0 lots
2 lots x $2 = $4
0 lots
2 lots x $0 = $0
0 lots
2 lot x $4 = $8
Endah (Bottom Tier)
2 lots
2 lots x $3 = $6
Commission Settings:
Hilda (Top Tier)
0 lots
4 lots x 5 pips x 0.0001 x 100,000 = $200
0 lots
4 lots x 2 pips x 0.0001 x 100,000 = $80
0 lots
4 lots x 3 pips x 0.0001 x 100,000 = $120
0 lots
4 lots x 4 pips x 0.0001 x 100,000 = $160
Endah (Bottom Tier)
4 lots
4 lots x 5 pips x 0.0001 x 100,000 = $200
Commission Settings:
Hilda (Top Tier)
0 lots
5% x $1 = $0.50
0 lots
2% x $1 = $0.10
0 lots
3% x $1 = $0.30
0 lots
4% x $1 = $0.40
Endah (Bottom Tier)
1 lot Profit = $10
5% x $10 = $0.50
Commission Settings:
Hilda (Top Tier)
0 lots
5% x $1 = $0.05
0 lots
2% x $1 = $0.01
0 lots
3% x $1 = $0.03
0 lots
4% x $1 = $0.04
Endah (Bottom Tier)
1 lot Trading Platform Commissions = $1
5% x $1 = $0.05
Commission Settings: