Dynamic Data Statistics can be customized by the broker to generate data for a specific time frame.
You can customize the date range for the data you wish to extract by clicking on the “Calendar” icon and selecting the dates accordingly.
This section displays the following information:
New Registration
This provides an overview of the number of new client registrations and their respective client types during the selected timeframe.
New Trading Account
This provides an overview of trading accounts created on the various trading servers during the selected timeframe.
Trade Volume
This provides an overview of the total trading volume during the selected timeframe.
The number on the top / left indicates the total number of lots traded.
This provides an overview of the total commission rebate paid out to IBs, including the breakdown between fixed and flexible commission rebates.
The number on the top / left indicates the total commission rebates paid out to IBs.
First Time Deposits
This provides an overview of the total number of clients who made their first deposit during the selected timeframe.
Wallet Capital
This provides an overview of the deposits and withdrawals made to clients' CRM wallets. The currency can be changed via the dropdown menu as well.
The number on the top indicates the total amount of deposits / withdrawals done.
The number bracketed on the bottom indicates the total number of clients that contributed to the deposits / withdrawals.
Account Capital
This provides an overview of the deposits and withdrawals made to clients' trading accounts. The currency can be changed via the dropdown menu as well.
The number on the top / left indicates the total amount of deposits / withdrawals done.
The number bracketed indicates the total number of trading accounts that contributed to the deposits / withdrawals.
Top 10 Ranking
This provides an overview of the top 10 rankings for:
Trading Volume
Brokers can filter the rank statistics by various options:
For Deposits and Withdrawals, you can filter via wallet or trading servers.
For Trading Volume and Symbols, you can filter via trading servers.
You can also hover their cursor to the respective client to view more details.
The number bracketed indicates the number of trading accounts that contributed to the trading activity.
The number bracketed indicates the total number of clients that received the commission rebate.
The currency can be changed via the dropdown menu.