You have two options for creating leads:
Click on the "Create Leads" button.
Fill in the respective fields:
Name - This is a required field.
Gender - This field is optional.
Nationality - This field is optional.
Owner - This refers to the salesperson in charge of following up with the lead. Brokers can select the name of the user or input the email address of the user, which can be created via the CRM Backoffice Portal (Please refer to this section for more details: User Management). This field is optional.
Email - This field is optional, but if entered, email addresses cannot be duplicated with any existing leads or clients.
Phone Code - This field is optional.
Phone Number - This field is optional, but if entered, phone numbers cannot be duplicated with any existing leads or clients.
Comment - This field is optional.
Once you have filled in the necessary fields, click on the "Confirm" button.
If you have entered a phone number or email address that is already associated with an existing user, you will receive an error message stating "There is already a client portal user with the same phone number / email address".
If the lead is successfully created, a message "Create Leads Success" will appear.
You can use the batch import function to create multiple leads at once.
To access the batch import function, click the "..." icon and select "Import".
Download the "Leads Import" file from the popup notice that appears.
Fill in the respective columns in the Excel template:
Email - cannot be duplicated with existing CRM clients.
Phone Code
Phone Number - cannot be duplicated with existing CRM clients.
Owner - This refers to the salesperson in charge of following up with the lead. Brokers can select the name of the user or input the email address of the user, which can be created via the CRM Backoffice Portal (Please refer to this section for more details: User Management). This field is optional.
Lead Status
Download the "Nationality_Country_Code" file and fill in the corresponding country code for Nationality.
Upload the filled-in Excel template by clicking "Upload File".
Click "Confirm" to import the leads.
If the batch import is successful:
A popup notice will inform you that the batch operation is being processed.
To view the status of the batch import, click "Confirm" and you will be redirected to the batch operation page (Please refer to Batch Operation for more details).
If any errors are detected:
There will be a popup notice to inform you of the error.
You will need to amend the file to rectify the error before the batch operation can proceed.